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You are what you consume – in his latest single “Good News”, Berlin-based artist Ant Antic explores the emotional power of information and media in general. The neverending flood of information is one of the central themes of his upcoming second album “Good Vids, Vile Times”. What does constant bombardment of information do to us? What’s lost along the way? In a brutally honest and relatable way, singer and producer Tobias Koett ponders the answers to these questions.
As a child of the first globally connected generation, Tobias observes how geographical boundaries are disintegrating and people consider humanity as one, while at the same time they’re struggling to come to terms with a reality overflowing with possibilities – slowly turning into superficial nihilists. In clickbait-esque phrases suitable for dwindling attention spans, Ant Antic explores how obsessed and at the same time phlegmatic we are in the way we deal with information and news. Like a mantra, the chorus circles again and again around two opposites: a bombardment – but one of good news.
Du bist, was du konsumiert – in seiner neuen Single „Good News“ widmet sich der österreichische Künstler Ant Antic erneut der emotionalen Macht von Informationen und Medien. Die nie enden wollende Flut von Nachrichten ist eines der zentralen Themen des bevorstehenden zweiten Albums „Good Vids, Vile Times“. Was macht das konstante Bombardement von Informationen und schlechten Nachrichten mit einer Person, was mit ihrer Psyche? Was geht dabei verloren? Brutal ehrlich und nachempfindbar denkt Sänger und Produzent Tobias Koett laut über diese Fragen nach.
Als Kind der ersten weltweit vernetzen Generation beobachtet er, wie geographische Grenzen zunehmend verschwimmen und sich die Menschen einander näher, verbundener fühlen – überwältigt von unendlichen Möglichkeiten gleichzeitig aber zu oberflächlichen Nihilisten werden. In Clickbait-tauglichen Phrasen maßgeschneidert für kurze Aufmerksamkeitsspannen führt er vor Augen, wie besessen und gleichzeitig phlegmatisch wir mit Nachrichten und Informationen umgehen. Wie ein Mantra dreht sich der Chorus wieder und wieder um zwei Gegenpole: ein Bombardement – von guten Neuigkeiten.
„Good Vids, Vile Times“, das zweite Album von Ant Antic, erscheint 2020.
Musicvideo Quotes:
The video for “Good News” is – similar to the song itself – dealing with the overload of impressions and information we’re all exposed to, in a very symbolic and surreal way. It shows the transformation we go through with our social media addiction. The overload of impressions is leaving us numb in the end.
The setting is an abstract landscape, free from any outside influences. More and more, disruptions appear in the form of faceless figures while the overload is literally raining from the sky.
When I wrote “Good News”, I was paying close attention to the overwhelming amount of information available to me at all times, and its social effect on me as a human being. I consider myself part of the first globally connected generation, understanding humanity as one. At the same time, I can’t fail to notice how I’m often too overwhelmed by endless possibilities, slowly turning into kind of a superficial nihilist.
Artist: Ant Antic
Title: Good News
Format: Single (Digital)
Cat.-No.: WOPS004
Production: Tobias Koett & Marco Kleebauer
Lyrics: Tobias Koett
Artwork: Erli Grünzweil
Mixing: Tobias Koett
Mastering: Nikodem Milewski (MbNM)
Publishing: Matches Music Publishing
Release Date: 10 April 2020
EAN: 4251804101103
Track list: 1. Good News – 03:16
(ISRC: ATDQ92050002)
Musikvideo ISRC: AT0832000001
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